Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Boulder - Doudy Draw/Spring Brook/Goshawk Ridge Loop

Earlier in the year, I attempted to hike the south part of the Table Mesa Open Space, but had to reroute because the trails were muddy.  I planned to tackle some of those trails today, Veteran's Day 2015.  I woke to moderate temperatures, a brisk wind, and could see some new fallen snow on the grassy areas around the house, and on the mountain.  Hmm, should I go or not?  Oh why not.

I got to the Doudy Draw Trailhead around 830a and soon headed up trail.  While looking at the terrain and the map, the elevation gain didn't seem too difficult, but it didn't take long to get a little winded.  I guess walking in snow will have that affect on you.
Dowdy Draw TH
I have always found the Flatirons one of the most beautiful and interesting formations anywhere I've been.  Finding them covered in the first snow of the 2015 winter season was even better.  The trails were easy to follow and, after encountering a couple of folks out walking their dogs, I didn't have any company on the trail.  Ah! Trail bliss!
Flatirons after a snowfall

Ah!  Trail bliss!

After climbing up from the prairie to the first part of the foothills around Boulder I was met with a small and beautiful forest of Ponderosa Pine, Douglas Fir, and a deer or two.  This is the first buck I've seen in a while.

Nice stand of Ponderosa Pine and Douglas Fir

After a short time I neared the edge of the property and there was a nice snow covered fence.  I'm not good a these kind of shots but here is my attempt at a 'perspective' shot.

I also gave a shot at 'sun flares' in the trees.  Not sure how to get rid of the red spots.  Maybe that great photographer I married will tell me.
Sun flares

Soon after this picture I crossed the bridge over the Denver Water Board canal and entered the Eldorado Mountain Habitat Conservation Area getting on the Goshawk Ridge Trail.  You can learn more about this area and the trail here.  Some interesting reading, although with the snow on the ground there was no seeing the various 'artifacts' and features they mention.  Maybe again when there isn't snow.  The trail wound it's way around the forest then down to Spring Brook and then back up to the ridge overlooking Eldorado Spring Canyon.  Looking SW from here you can see Crescent Mountain, looking NE you can see the town of Boulder and the prairie beyond.
Crescent Mountain in the distance
By this time the wind was blowing hard and the snow was kicking up.  As the trail looped its way back toward the Spring Brook trail I encountered a small ground blizzard.  Oh what fun!
Nice trail, no wind.

Bad trail, wind and snow!
The rest of the day was uneventful as I retraced my steps down Doudy Draw to the the truck.  Although by late morning the sun was out, the snow was melting, and the mud was starting to show.

All in all a good first day of snow and a good hike.  See you next time!

Map & track

Overall Track Statistics for track Boulder-DoudyDraw
 Length 8.031 miles
 Start Elevation - 5717.42 feet
 Maximum Elevation - 6546.62 feet
 Minimum Elevation - 5632.12 feet
 Date of Hike - Nov 11, 2015
 Start Time - 08:44 AM
 End Time - 12:03 PM
 Total Duration -     3:19 hours:min
 Total Ascent - 1738.06 feet
 Total Descent - 1805.61 feet
 Net Ascent - -67.55 feet
 Maximum Grade - 13.83%
 Average Speed -  2.42 mph
 Maximum Ascent over Mile - 410.66 feet
 Maximum Speed over Mile -  3.14 mph
 Maximum Gain over Mile (%) -  6.51% 


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