Friday, November 20, 2015

Ft Collins - Soapstone Prairie (Cheyenne Rim)

A storm had rolled through the Front Range earlier in the week and I really am not ready to start snowshoeing yet, so I decided to tackle the Cheyenne Rim Trail in Soapstone Prairie.  This is the second trip to Soapstone this year; the last was in late May.  The wind was howling all day, sometimes better, sometimes worse.  It was especially bad up on the rim overlooking the Red Mountain Open Space.  It wasn't supposed to snow, but it started falling about a mile from the end.  So not too bad.

The Soapstone area is a good wintering ground for a variety of wildlife.  Today I saw several groups of Pronghorn Antelope; each about thirty or forty animals, a few Mule deer, and of course a lot of wintering, grazing black cows.   I saw a few rabbit tracks in the snow, and a few coyote tracks as well.

I'm sure the wind kept everyone else at home, so I was alone on the trail all day.  Kinda cool.  Here are a few of pictures.

Pronghorn Antelope - ready to run!

Looking SSE from trail toward Round Butte
Early afternoon snow

Overall Track Statistics for track Ft Collins - Soapstone-Cheyenne Rim
 Length 15.923 miles
 Start Elevation - 6140.09 feet
 Maximum Elevation - 7193.93 feet
 Minimum Elevation - 6085.99 feet
 Date of Hike - Nov 18, 2015
 Start Time - 07:43 AM
 End Time - 02:07 PM
 Total Duration -     6:23 hours:min
 Total Ascent - 4559.94 feet
 Total Descent - 4512.93 feet
 Net Ascent - 47.01 feet
 Maximum Grade - 15.70%
 Average Speed -  2.49 mph
 Maximum Ascent over Mile - 609.88 feet
 Maximum Speed over Mile -  3.37 mph
 Maximum Gain over Mile (%) -  6.75%

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