Monday, November 23, 2015

Lory State Park - Overlook/West Valley Loop

This was a family hike with my wife, daughter, grandson, and son-in-law.  It has snowed the day before so we were looking for a low elevation hike that would not require snowshoes and was not too strenuous.  I chose Lory State Park.  We started out from the Homestead Picnic area on the Well Gulch Nature Trail.  This trail almost immediately begins a strenuous climb to the junction with the Overlook Trail.  We needed a bit of a rest part way up.
Family on Well Gulch Trail
Resting a bit
We made the turn to the Overlook Trail.  The Overlook Trail moves along the line of the hills below Arthur's Rock, just inside the tree line.  It continues to climb but had several fairly long stretches of more 'level' ground.  Everyone did well in getting through this stretch of trail.  About two-thirds along the Overlook trail is a nice rock formation that gives great views of Horsetooth Reservoir, the eastern plains, and Fort Collins.  We stopped there for a few photo opportunities.
View from Rock Outcropping on Overlook Trail
Grandson & his Momma
Grandson & his Dad
Poppi & Grandson
You might be wondering where the picture of Nini and Grandson are, but since she is the one behind the camera we didn't get one of them together.    I should/ve thought of that.  Sorry Nini.

By the way all the pictures contain in this post except the family picture below are providedwith permission of Just4Grins Photography.  Thanks Nini.

By the time we got the the junction with the Arthur's Rock Trail, everyone was starting to slow down, but once we made the turn onto West Valley Trail, all could see the end in sight.  Seemed like everyone had more energy then.  

Family Photo!!!
A thermos of hot chocolate awaited us at the trailhead.  All in all a great day with part of my 'crew'!!

Overall Track Statistics for track Lory-OverlookWest
 Length 3.139 miles
 Start Elevation - 5566.04 feet
 Maximum Elevation - 6105.18 feet
 Minimum Elevation - 5403.02 feet
 Date of Hike - Nov 21, 2015
 Start Time - 11:25 AM
 End Time - 01:39 PM
 Total Duration -     2:13 hours:min
 Total Ascent - 837.50 feet
 Total Descent - 1000.52 feet
 Net Ascent - -163.02 feet
 Maximum Grade - 17.67%
 Average Speed -  1.41 mph
 Maximum Ascent over Mile - 577.36 feet
 Maximum Speed over Mile -  2.40 mph
 Maximum Gain over Mile (%) -  9.69%

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