Saturday, October 24, 2015

RMNP - Pear Lake Loop

This would be my last hike before getting the fifth wheel out and heading for three weeks to New England.  This hike would be to Finch Lake and Pear Lake in RMNP.  I got a reasonably early start.  The early parts of the trail were moderately steep but after reaching the ridge line was a pleasant half mile ridge walk.
Smooth trail amongst the Aspen

I was still early in the season, but we were starting to see some of the Aspens change color.  It will be interesting to see how this compares to the tree color in Vermont.

Early Fall Colors (1)
Early Fall Colors (2)

St Vrain Mountain

Then began a long steady climb to Finch Lake.  Once I had achieved Finch Lake, I took a brief respite (out of the wind) and reflected in the water.  The wind was chopping up the water, but it was still beautiful.
Finch Lake (1)

Finch Lake (2)

According to the map I would head down for a bit and then a long steady, steep climb to Pear Lake.  I don't have a lot to say about the view from the trail as I was focused on getting one foot in front of the other.  I did capture a couple of pictures.

Dry Pond near Pear Lake

Foot Bridge

I reached Pear Lake and was blown away; both figuratively and actually.  The wind must have been blowing thirty or forty miles an hour up there.  A couple of times I had to steady myself and the camera on a rock to get a decent picture.  The peaks around Pear Lake are quite spectacular.  I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

Copeland Mountan (13176')

Ogalalla Peak (13138')

Copland Mountain (13176')
Peaks of Wild Basin (RMNP)

As you know, I'm not one to retrace my steps if I don't have to, so I decided to make this a loop hike and not just a out/back.  The trail down to Calypso Cascades was steep and winding.  I encountered quite a little obstacle where the footbridge and part of the side of the hill had been washed away.  I took my time, watched my step and got across.


The rest of the hike was beautiful and uneventful.  Just like I like them.

Cony Creek

Still some Wildflowers

Unnamed Pond near Pear Lake


Overall Track Statistics for track RMNP - Pear Lake
 Length 13.608 miles
 Start Elevation - 8640.68 feet
 Maximum Elevation - 10572.74 feet
 Minimum Elevation - 8091.67 feet
 Date of Hike - Sep 15, 2015
 Start Time - 08:37 AM
 End Time - 02:52 PM
 Total Duration -     6:15 hours:min
 Total Ascent - 3222.54 feet
 Total Descent - 3771.56 feet
 Net Ascent - -549.02 feet
 Maximum Grade - 18.54%
 Average Speed -  2.18 mph
 Maximum Ascent over Mile - 648.33 feet
 Maximum Speed over Mile -  2.95 mph
 Maximum Gain over Mile (%) - 11.85%


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